During these times of crisis, news media continuously bombard our mind on COViD-19. No doubt it induces panic and little information - real or not - creates even more panic.
Verify all information using reliable sources, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Share reliable information to keep safe and reduce panic

Staying home whenever possible, but we know healthcare workers, essential workers, and even regular people still have places to go. One way to prevent the transmission of COViD-19 is wearing a mask when you're out. Helping All Humanity is working with local workers to makes masks to give back to essential workers in this dire situation. Donate below to reach more.

Helping All Humanities is a network and community wanting to help others. Firefighters, middle school students, and master seamstress, among others, have the desire to help by making masks and giving back to the essential workers. Send us an email by clicking below if you want to help your community

Support local business who support the COViD-19 cause. We have partners such as JOANN who gives their fabric for free to make masks and give back to the community. Our very own Madolor King is donating all profits to the cause. Click down on the link below for more information.